Gun Laws in South Dakota
#45 in the country for gun law strength
Same rank as last year
Gun Law Strength
Composite score
Gun Violence Rate
Gun deaths per 100k residents
2025 Gun Law Checklist
How South Dakota stacks up on 50 key policies
South Dakota Foundational laws
Background Check and/or Purchase Permit
Requires Background checks for handgun purchases at point of sale and/or for permit to purchase
Concealed Carry Permit Required
Requires any person who carries a concealed firearm in public to first obtain a permit
Extreme Risk Law
Allows law enforcement (and often family members) to petition for a court order to temporarily prevent someone in crisis from accessing guns.
No Shoot First Law
Does not have a dangerous Shoot First law in place
Secure Storage or Child Access Prevention Required
Requires that firearms be stored locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition in certain circumstances
South Dakota Gun industry and product safety
Assault Weapons Prohibited
Bars purchase of certain assault-style weapons originally designed for military use
Auto Sears/Glock Switches Prohibited
Prohibits devices that alter the trigger mechanisms of semi-automatic pistols and rifles and enable the guns to continuously fire rounds
Bump Stocks Prohibited
Prohibits replacement shoulder stocks for semi-automatic rifles that harness the recoil from firing and allow a shooter to fire shots in rapid success
Consumer Safety
Requires new handgun models sold in the state to have childproofing features
Dealer License Required
Requires all gun dealers to obtain a state license
Ghost Guns Regulated
Regulates ghost gun parts, ensuring they cannot be sold without serial numbers and a background check
High Capacity Magazines Prohibited
Bars purchase of gun magazines larger than a prescribed size
Legal Accountability for Gun Industry
Allows lawsuits against manufacturers and dealers whose bad conduct results in harm
Microstamping for New Handguns
Requires new handgun models sold in the state to include microstamping technology
South Dakota Guns in public
No Carry After Violent Offense
Bars concealed carry by people with assault or other violent misdemeanor convictions
No Guns Mandate on College Campuses
Does not force colleges and universities to allow concealed carry
No Guns at State Capitols and/or Demonstrations
Blocks the public carry of guns on state capitol grounds and/or political protests
No Guns in Bars
Blocks the concealed carry of guns in bars
No Guns in K-12 Schools
Does not have a law allowing carry in K–12 schools by staff or other permit holders
- If not, who is allowed to carry under state law?
- School personnel
Open Carry Regulated
Regulates how guns may be carried visibly in public, either requiring a permit or else barring open carry altogether
Strong Concealed Carry Authority
Allows officials to bar concealed carry by people who pose a danger
South Dakota Keeping guns out of the wrong hands
Emergency Restraining Order Prohibitor
Bars domestic abusers from having guns while subject to short-term emergency orders
Felony Prohibitor
Bars gun possession by people with felony convictions
Fugitive from Justice Prohibitor
Bars gun possession by fugitives
Gun Removal Program
Requires officials to identify and seek removal of illegal guns
Hate Crime Prohibitor
Bars people from having guns after a hate crime conviction
Mental Health Prohibitor
Bars gun possession by people who have been involuntarily committed or found to be a danger to self or others
Minimum Age to Purchase
Requires handgun buyers to be 21+ and rifle and shotgun buyers to be 18+
No Gun Purchases After Violent Offense
Bars gun purchases by people with assault or other violent misdemeanor convictions
Prohibition for Convicted Domestic Abusers
Bars domestic abusers from having guns after a misdemeanor conviction
- Does the law close the boyfriend loophole by covering abusive dating partners?
- No
Prohibition for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Bars domestic abusers from having guns while subject to restraining orders
Relinquishment for Convicted Domestic Abusers
Requires domestic abusers to turn in guns after a misdemeanor conviction
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Requires domestic abusers to turn in guns when a restraining order is placed
School Threat Assessment Teams
Requires threat assessment programs to identify students at risk of violence
Stalker Prohibitor
Bars gun possession by convicted stalkers
South Dakota Policing and civil rights
Crime Gun Tracing
Requires officials to trace all guns recovered at crime scenes, using the federal tracing system
Funding for Services for Victims of Gun Violence
Issues targeted solicitations to use federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funds to assist victims of gun violence or for gun violence intervention
Local Gun Laws Allowed
Does not preempt towns and cities from making their own gun safety policy
- If not, does the state also threaten to punish localities that regulate firearms?
- No
No Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights
Does not impede efforts to hold police accountable for excessive force and other misconduct
Office of Violence Intervention
Has a dedicated office for gun violence prevention
Police Use of Deadly Force Standard
Bars deadly force unless necessary to prevent serious bodily injury, does not make exception for felony suspects fleeing arrest
Qualified Immunity Limited
Limits qualified immunity, a legal shield for police officers accused of civil and constitutional violations
Violence Intervention Program Funding
State budget includes funding for community violence intervention programming
South Dakota Sales and permitting
Authority to Deny Gun Purchase for Public Safety
Allows officials to deny sales if buyer poses a danger
Charleston Loophole Closed or Limited
Ensures gun sales can’t proceed while a background check is still ongoing
Lost and Stolen Reporting
Requires gun owners to notify law enforcement if their guns are lost or stolen
Mental Health Record Reporting
Requires or allows officials to report prohibiting records into the background check system
- Are officials required to report, or merely allowed to do so?
- Required
Sales Records Sent to Law Enforcement
Requires all handgun sale information be recorded by officials
Training Required to Purchase Guns
Requires certain gun buyers to take a training course before their purchase
Waiting Periods
Requires gun buyers to wait a prescribed time before completing a purchase