Which states require prohibited domestic abusers to turn in any guns while under a restraining order?
22 states have adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Alabama has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Alaska has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Arizona has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Arkansas has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
California has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Colorado has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Connecticut has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Delaware has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Florida has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Georgia has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Hawaii has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Idaho has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Illinois has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Indiana has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Iowa has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Kansas has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Kentucky has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Louisiana has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Maine has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Maryland has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Massachusetts has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Michigan has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Minnesota has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Mississippi has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Missouri has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Montana has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Nebraska has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Nevada has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
New Hampshire has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
New Jersey has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
New Mexico has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
New York has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
North Carolina has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
North Dakota has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Ohio has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Oklahoma has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Oregon has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Pennsylvania has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Rhode Island has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
South Carolina has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
South Dakota has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Tennessee has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Texas has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Utah has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Vermont has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Virginia has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Washington has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- Yes
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
West Virginia has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Wisconsin has adopted this policy
- Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties?
- No
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Wyoming has not adopted this policy
Relinquishment for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
Policy adopted? | Does the state bar the surrender of firearms to third parties? |
Alabama | — |
Alaska | — |
Arizona | — |
Arkansas | — |
California | Yes |
Colorado | No |
Connecticut | Yes |
Delaware | — |
Florida | — |
Georgia | — |
Hawaii | Yes |
Idaho | — |
Illinois | No |
Indiana | — |
Iowa | No |
Kansas | — |
Kentucky | — |
Louisiana | No |
Maine | — |
Maryland | Yes |
Massachusetts | Yes |
Michigan | — |
Minnesota | No |
Mississippi | — |
Missouri | — |
Montana | — |
Nebraska | — |
Nevada | — |
New Hampshire | Yes |
New Jersey | Yes |
New Mexico | Yes |
New York | Yes |
North Carolina | Yes |
North Dakota | — |
Ohio | — |
Oklahoma | — |
Oregon | No |
Pennsylvania | No |
Rhode Island | Yes |
South Carolina | — |
South Dakota | — |
Tennessee | No |
Texas | — |
Utah | — |
Vermont | — |
Virginia | No |
Washington | Yes |
West Virginia | — |
Wisconsin | No |
Wyoming | — |
Show Citations and Footnotes
Source: Cal. Fam. Code § 6389; Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-14-105.5; Conn. Gen. Stat. § 29-36k; Haw. Rev. Stat. §§ 134-7(g), 134-7.3(b); 725 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 5/112A-14(b)(14.5)(a); 750 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 60/214(b)(14.5)(a); Iowa Code § 724.26(4); 2018 LA S 231; Md. Code Ann., Fam. Law § 4-506(f); Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 209A, § 3B; Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 140, § 129D; Minn. Stat. § 518B.01, subd. (6)(g), (h); N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 159-D:3, 173-B:5(I); N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:25-29b; N.M. Stat. Ann. § 30-7-16(A)(2); N.Y. Crim. Proc. Law § 530.14(5)(a), (b), (6)(a); N.Y. Fam. Ct. Act §§ 842-a(5), 842-a(6); N.Y. Penal Law § 400.05(6); N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 14-269.8, 50B-3, 50B-3.1; 2019 OR HB 2013, Sec. 4; 23 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 6108(a)(7), (a.1); 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 6105(a.1)(2), (6); 8 R.I. Gen. Laws § 8-8.1-3(a)(4); 15 R.I. Gen. Laws § 15-15-3(a)(4); Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-3-625(a); Va. Code Ann. § 18.2-308.1:4(C)-(G); Wash. Rev. Code § 9.41.800(1); Wis. Stat. §§ 813.12(4m), 813.122(5m). 14 to 16: Díez C, Kurland RP, Rothman EF, Bair-Merritt M, . . . & Siegel M. (2017, October 17). State intimate partner violence–related firearm laws and intimate partner homicide rates in the United States, 1991 to 2015. Annals of Internal Medicine, 167: 536-53. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.acpjournals.org/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.7326%2FM16-2849.
More from Keeping guns out of the wrong hands
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- No Gun Purchases After Violent Offense
- Prohibition for Convicted Domestic Abusers
- Prohibition for Domestic Abusers Under Restraining Orders
- Relinquishment for Convicted Domestic Abusers
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