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Page 2Promising Approaches for Implementing Extreme Risk Laws: A Guide for Practitioners and Policymakers
This guide details the best available practices and promising approaches to effective implementation of extreme risk laws.
ReportMethodological Note for Beyond Measure: Gun Violence Trauma
Read the Report Beyond Measure: Gun Violence Trauma Report The United States is a nation of gun…
Methodological NoteSummer Youth Employment Programs for Violence Prevention: A Guide to Implementation and Costing
Investing in an SYEP is a cost-effective way to help prevent violence in cities.
Fact SheetFootnotes for How Can We Prevent Gun Violence in American Schools?
These footnotes are a companion to the “How Can We Prevent Gun Violence in American Schools?” brief.
FootnotesRoad Rage Shootings Are Continuing to Surge
Reports of road rage shootings have increased significantly during the pandemic. With easy access to guns, road rage can turn deadly.
Everytown Research & PolicySuicidio con armas de fuego en las ciudades: El lado menos conocido de la violencia con armas de fuego en las ciudades
Las tasas de personas que mueren por suicidio con armas de fuego en las ciudades están en aumento.
ReportArmed Extremism Primer: Oath Keepers
The Oath Keepers organize around conspiracy theories and propaganda about the reasonable regulation of firearms.
Fact SheetSobrevivientes de violencia con armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos
Esta encuesta explora la amplitud de la violencia con armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos y su impacto en los sobrevivientes.
ReportBe SMART
The Be SMART campaign raises awareness about how secure gun storage can save children’s lives.
InitiativeGuide to Using Extreme Risk Orders to Save Lives
This guide presents the state of play in the states with Extreme Risk laws and aims to lift up examples of effective implementation.
Everytown Research & PolicyCity Dashboard: Gun Homicide
Key Takeaways Across FBI-reporting cities with populations 65,000+: Contrary to public perception,1Jeffery M. Jones, “More Americans See U.S. Crime Problem as…
Data TrackerCómo detener los tiroteos y la violencia armada en las escuelas: Un plan para mantener seguros a los estudiantes
Necesitamos acciones significativas para mantener nuestras escuelas y las comunidades circundantes seguras en los Estados Unidos.
ReportA Continuum of Gun Access Interventions for Preventing Gun Suicide
Gun access interventions exist on a continuum, a chain of actions that can be taken depending on the severity of the crisis.
Fact SheetGun Thefts from Cars: The Largest Source of Stolen Guns
Gun thefts from cars are the largest source of stolen guns—one that continues rising in parallel with rates of gun sales and violence.
Everytown Research & PolicyRobos de armas en vehículos: la fuente más grande de armas robadas
Una investigación de Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund revela que los robos de armas en vehículos son la mayor fuente de armas robadas.
Everytown Research & PolicyMethodological Note for The Economic Cost of Gun Violence
Read the Report The Economic Cost of Gun Violence Report You can’t put a price on the…
Methodological NoteThe Rise of Firearm Suicide Among Young Americans
Firearm suicide is having a devastating impact on American youth, particularly during COVID-19. But suicide can be prevented.
ReportATF’s Final Rule to End the Proliferation of Dangerous, Untraceable Ghost Guns
The ATF announced a final rulemaking clarifying that the core building blocks of ghost guns are firearms under the law.
Fact SheetCuando el tiroteo se detiene: El impacto de la violencia con armas de fuego en los sobrevivientes de los Estados Unidos
El trauma de la violencia con armas de fuego no termina cuando se detiene el tiroteo.
ReportArmed Extremism Primer: Sovereign Citizens
Sovereign citizens fall under the umbrella of the wider right-wing anti-government extremist movement, which can include fixation on guns.
Fact SheetBroken & Bankrupt: The NRA in 2021
2021 has been a disaster for the NRA, and Wayne LaPierre in particular.
ReportThe Impact of Gun Violence on Latinx Communities
Latinx people in the United States are dying from gun violence every day and at rates disproportionate to their white peers.
Fact SheetEl impacto de la violencia con armas de fuego en las comunidades latines
Las personas latines en los EE UU mueren a causa de la violencia armada en tasas desproporcionadas con respecto a los blancos.
Fact SheetMethodological Note on Preventable Tragedies: Unintentional Shootings by Children
Read the Report Preventable Tragedies: Unintentional Shootings by Children Report This Note is a companion to the…
Methodological NoteArmed Assembly: Guns, Demonstrations, and Political Violence in America
Armed demonstrations are nearly six times as likely to turn violent or destructive compared to unarmed demonstrations.
ReportCalculate the Economic Cost of Gun Violence
Examining the economic consequences of gun violence is paramount to understanding just how extensive and expensive this crisis is.
Data ToolArmed Extremism Primer: The Boogaloo
The boogaloo movement has risen to national prominence as a new and dangerous subset of the extreme right in the United States.
Fact SheetMore Than Brawlers: The Proud Boys and Armed Extremism
Many far-right groups, including the Proud Boys, use fearmongering and conspiracy theories in an attempt to stop any reform of gun laws.
Fact SheetFunding Summer Youth Programming Prevents Gun Violence
As cities develop their spending plan for American Rescue Plan funds, they should prioritize and plan funding for summer youth engagement.
Fact SheetThe Firearms Industry and the Paycheck Protection Program
Despite a record year in sales and demand, the firearms industry received extensive support from the paycheck protection program in 2020.