Violence Intervention Programs
Violence Intervention Programs
What does this solve?
Community violence intervention programs provide evidence and community-informed, comprehensive support to individuals who are at the greatest risk of gunshot victimization. These programs are shown to reduce gunshot wounds and deaths in the neighborhoods most impacted by gun violence.
Gun homicides and assaults occur at high rates within cities and have a disproportionate impact in historically underfunded and segregated neighborhoods.1Mudia Uzzi et al., “An Intersectional Analysis of Historical and Contemporary Structural Racism on Non-Fatal Shootings in Baltimore, Maryland,” Injury Prevention 29, no. 1 (2023): 85-90, Gun violence in cities reflects and amplifies this country’s long-standing systemic and structural inequities.
City leaders, local groups, and residents are driving solutions to reduce gun violence and increase safety in their communities. To reduce gun homicides and assaults within cities, leaders and legislators should invest in community-driven, evidence-informed interventions.
Myth & Fact
Most violence in cities is gang-related.
In reality, although some gun violence is connected to gang activity, gun violence occurs more frequently within informal social networks tied together by the places people live, the schools they attend, and their places of worship. Gun violence within these social networks is further concentrated into a very small percentage of people. This gun violence frequently follows a dispute or perceived disrespect, and between people who are known to one another. These encounters become deadly because a gun is present.
Featured Resources

Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs: A Guide to Implementation and Costing

Summer Youth Employment Programs for Violence Prevention: A Guide to Implementation and Costing
Investing in an SYEP is a cost-effective way to help prevent violence in cities.
Community-Led Public Safety Strategies
Communities affected by gun violence need immediate and locally driven interventions in addition to larger scale policy reform.

City Gun Violence Reduction Insight Portal
CityGRIP is an online clearinghouse of data-informed gun violence reduction strategies.
All Resources
Violence Intervention Programs
All Resources
Local Gun Violence Dashboards
Everytown's toolkit outlines 10 steps to launching and effectively using a local gun violence dashboard, and the benefits of doing so.
Data ToolFear versus Facts: Gun Violence is Definitely Down
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Everytown Research & PolicySobrevivientes de violencia con armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos
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Gun Violence Survivors in America
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City Dashboard: Gun Homicide
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Data TrackerThe Impact of Gun Violence on Latinx Communities
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Fact SheetFunding Summer Youth Programming Prevents Gun Violence
As cities develop their spending plan for American Rescue Plan funds, they should prioritize and plan funding for summer youth engagement.
Fact SheetAlternative Dispatch Programs
Creating alternative dispatch options that connect people in crisis with mental health services is key in preventing police gun violence.
Fact Sheet
Invisible Wounds: Gun Violence and Community Trauma among Black Americans
Persistent gun violence is harming too many Black communities in the U.S., contributing to individual, family, and community-level trauma.
American Rescue Plan for Gun Violence Reduction
States and local governments governments can utilize American Rescue Plan funds to prevent or address gun violence in cities.
Fact SheetCommunity-Led Services for Survivors
Community-led services can assist survivors by responding to incidents of gun violence in their community and providing ongoing care.
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A Deadly Year in Cities — And How Policymakers Can Respond
While the long term effects of COVID-19 still aren’t fully clear, it is evident that cities have experienced historic levels of violence.
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How COVID-19 Has Increased the Need for Street Outreach Work
Street outreach teams have long been at the front lines of gun violence prevention work and are now battling two pandemics at once.
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A Fund for Healing: VOCA Grants for Violence Reduction
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Fact Sheet