Stop Downloadable Guns
Stop Downloadable Guns
What does this solve?
Downloadable guns, or 3-D printed guns, are serious threats to our communities. The key to stopping the spread of downloadable guns is to stop the spread of the computer code that is used to 3-D print the firearm or its parts.
Downloadable guns are a type of ghost gun because with a 3-D printer and access to the computer schematics, anyone can build an untraceable firearm without a background check.1Everytown for Gun Safety, “The Danger of Downloadable Guns,” January 17, 2020, A functional downloadable gun can be made entirely out of plastic and evade a metal detector.2US Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, “Audit of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ Monitoring of 3-D Firearm Printing Technology,” December 2021, To stop the spread of downloadable guns, the spread of the computer code that is used to create them should be stopped.
Myth & Fact
Downloadable guns are unreliable and can’t be used in a crime.
Experts have shown time and time again that downloadable guns are operational firearms. The State Department has made clear the serious national security concerns of posting the files for downloadable guns. At the time, the State Department said it was “particularly concerned that [the] proposed export of undetectable firearms technology could be used in an assassination, for the manufacture of spare parts by embargoed nations, terrorists groups, or to compromise aviation security overseas in a manner specifically directed at U.S. persons.”1See Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint, ECF No. 92, Defense Distributed v. U.S. Department of State, Case No. 15-cv-00372 (W.D. Tex. filed Apr. 6, 2018).
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Stop Downloadable Guns
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The Smoking Gun
An online resource committed to exposing the gun industry’s role in our gun violence epidemic today.
Everytown Research & PolicyGhost Guns Recoveries and Shootings
Everytown Research & Policy has collected examples of reported murders and shootings using ghost guns since 2013.
Data Tracker
ATF’s Final Rule to End the Proliferation of Dangerous, Untraceable Ghost Guns
The ATF announced a final rulemaking clarifying that the core building blocks of ghost guns are firearms under the law.
Fact SheetATF & the Rising Threat of Ghost Guns
Ghost guns are emerging as a weapon of choice for criminals, gun traffickers, extremists, and others banned from legally buying firearms.
Fact Sheet
Update Background Check Laws
Updating federal and state laws to require background checks on all gun sales is a common-sense way to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
Fact Sheet
Untraceable: The Rising Specter of Ghost Guns
Ghost guns are do-it-yourself, homemade guns made from easy-to-get, unregulated building blocks.